Alt Post Feed App & Alt Desktop Software Development Update

Since the Alt Post Feed app was made available there has been a couple of features that were requested, and I wanted to take a moment and update the status of those requests.
The main requests were:

  •  The ability to change the date to post feed to
  •  The ability to see what has already been posted

Both of these items are in the testing phase of development, and should be pushed out to the play store very soon.
The iPhone version is, also, currently in active development for both of these features as well, and will follow shortly behind.

Also, the Advanced Livestock Tracker desktop software has had some updates relating to this as well:

  • Discovery of new data from mobile apps is now more reliable–the mechanism has been entirely rewritten.
  • Posts still show up at the bottom of the screen, but now are categorized by Date
  • Clicking on a particular item now allows for the posting of just that item as well as deleting it
  • All entries from a particular day can be posted at once or –as before–all entries can be approved at once.

I have made a short video to show these features here:


Brad Koehn
Software Developer Manager for Advanced Livestock Tracker